Study on the Effects of Inhaling Oxygen During Exercise | Oxygen Plus

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The effect of inhaling concentrated oxygen on performance during repeated anaerobic exercise

April 13, 2020 1 min read

The effect of inhaling concentrated oxygen on performance during repeated anaerobic exercise

Study name:  The effect of inhaling concentrated oxygen on performance during repeated anaerobic exercise

Gender/sex and ability:  Ten healthy, trained hockey players, average 21 years of age

Type of exercise used:  Cycling

Intensity of exercise:  A standard Wingate test lasting 30 seconds

Percent (%) of oxygen used:  99.5% or placebo

Research/study findings:  The results from the Wingate tests (peak power, mean power, minimum power, hear rate, and blood lactate concentration) significantly exceed the values for those who participate in sport on a recreational basis. The double-blind testing methods from study indicate inhaling concentrated oxygen may have a positive effect on short-term recovery processes. The findings demonstrate a significant difference in the mechanical performance between inhaling the placebo and canned oxygen before a second supramaximal exercise, in favor of supplemental oxygen in a can.

Oxygen Plus application/implication: Using pure oxygen, like Oxygen Plus, as a recovery tool in between two periods of maximal or exhaustive anaerobic exercise - which often occurs in hockey, swimming, running and similar sports - helps improve performance in subsequent (e.g., the second) brief high-intensity exertion. 

Publication/source/year:  Suchý, J., Heller, J., & Bunc, V. (2010). The effect of inhaling concentrated oxygen on performance during repeated anaerobic exercise. Biology of Sport, 27(3).

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