Study on the Effects of Decreased Muscle Oxygen Delivery | Oxygen Plus

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Reductions in systemic and skeletal muscle blood flow and oxygen delivery limit maximal aerobic capacity in humans

April 13, 2020 1 min read

Reductions in systemic and skeletal muscle blood flow and oxygen delivery limit maximal aerobic capacity in humans

Study name:  Reductions in systemic and skeletal muscle blood flow and oxygen delivery limit maximal aerobic capacity in humans

Gender/sex and ability:  Eight healthy trained males

Type of exercise used:  3 cycle ergometer exercise tests in the upright position

Intensity of exercise:  In tests 1 and 3, subjects cycled until fatigue, whereas in test 2, subjects cycled for the same duration as in heat stress. The exercise intensity was such that the subjects would become exhausted within 5 to 10 minutes, and it elicited VO2max in 3 to 5 minutes under normal environmental conditions.

Percent (%) of oxygen used:  N/A

Research/study findings:  The findings suggest both impaired skeletal muscle aerobic energy provision and work capacity during maximal aerobic exercise in healthy trained humans are directly related to the inability of the heart to maintain cardiac output and oxygen (O2) delivery to locomotive skeletal muscle.

Oxygen Plus application/implication:  Due to the energy requirement from skeletal muscles, and how the aerobic system in health people strives to keep up to the demand of maximal exercise, the heart is often unable to maintain cardiac output and deliver oxygen to working muscles without supplemental oxygen like Oxygen Plus.

Publication/source/year:  González-Alonso, J., & Calbet, J. A. (2003). Reductions in systemic and skeletal muscle blood flow and oxygen delivery limit maximal aerobic capacity in humans. Circulation, 107(6), 824-830.

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