Study name: Influence of hypoxic interval training and hyperoxic recovery on muscle activation and oxygenation in connection with double-poling exercise
Gender/sex and ability: 10 well-trained, male endurance athletes
Type of exercise used: Cross-country ski ergometer
Intensity of exercise: Each trial was composed of three 3-minute sessions of double-poling sprints and a subsequent 3-minutes of recovery.
Percent (%) of oxygen used: Normoxic exercise with normoxic recovery (NoNo); normoxic exercise with hyperoxic (FiO2 =100%) recovery (NoHOX); hypoxic (FiO2 =16.5%) exercise with hypoxic recovery (HoHo); or, hypoxic exercise with hyperoxic recovery (HoHOX).
Research/study findings: Three major findings of this study include: 1) Hypoxic exercise with hyperoxic recovery elevated SpO2 to >99%; 2) Blood lactate levels with hypoxic exercise/hypoxic recovery were significantly higher than with normoxic exercise/hyperoxic recovery; 3) With hyperoxic recovery following normoxic and hypoxic exercise, the athletes were able to maintain their Power (P) mean.
Oxygen Plus application/implication: Breathing pure oxygen, like Oxygen Plus, can elevate blood-oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels to >99% (hyperoxic recovery) when vigorous (hypoxic) exercise depletes oxygen levels. In addition, supplementing with ample concentrated oxygen (hyperoxic recovery) following normoxic and/or hypoxic exercise enables well-trained individuals to maintain endurance during skiing, rowing, swimming, CrossFit or similar high-endurance exercise.
Publication/source/year: Zinner, C., Hauser, A., Born, D. P., Wehrlin, J. P., Holmberg, H. C., & Sperlich, B. (2015). Influence of hypoxic interval training and hyperoxic recovery on muscle activation and oxygenation in connection with double-poling exercise. PloS one, 10(10), e0140616.
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