Study name: Hyperoxia decreases muscle glycogenolysis, lactate production, and lactate efflux during steady-state exercise
Gender/sex and ability: Seven active male subjects
Type of exercise used: Cycling
Intensity of exercise: The two experimental trials consisted of 40 minutes of cycling at 70% VO2 peak when subjects breathed either 21% or 60% inspired oxygen for 20 minutes at rest.
Percent (%) of oxygen used: 21% or 60%
Research/study findings: The study found a statistically significant 16% reduction in glycogenolysis and a 15% decrease in pyruvate production over 40 minutes of exercise during hyperoxia compared with ambient air in the room (normoxia).
Oxygen Plus application/implication: The improvement in carbohydrate utilization vs. oxidation during hyperoxia resulted in an 15% decrease in the muscle lactate accumulation over 40 minutes of cycling compared with the normoxic trial. Oxygen Plus will similarly help restore depleted oxygen levels to healthy, normal levels during moderate exercise, effectively aiding in the reduction of the build-up of lactic acid.
Publication/source/year: Stellingwerff, T., LeBlanc, P. J., Hollidge, M. G., Heigenhauser, G. J., & Spriet, L. L. (2006). Hyperoxia decreases muscle glycogenolysis, lactate production, and lactate efflux during steady-state exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290(6), E1180-E1190.
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