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Cerebral oxygenation during hyperoxia-induced increase in exercise tolerance for untrained men

April 13, 2020 1 min read

Cerebral oxygenation during hyperoxia-induced increase in exercise tolerance for untrained men

Study name:  Cerebral oxygenation during hyperoxia-induced increase in exercise tolerance for untrained men

Gender/sex and ability:  Eight healthy men, untrained in physical endurance activities

Type of exercise used:  A progressive exhaustive ramp exercise on a cycle ergometer

Intensity of exercise:  Exhaustive ramp exercise test with a 60 watt warm-up period lasting 3 minutes; exercise intensity was increased by 1 watt every 3 seconds (20 watt, minute-1 ramp) until exhaustion. Cerebral and muscle oxygenation (COx, MOx respectively) responses were evaluated using a temporal resolution NIRS device.

Percent (%) of oxygen used:  21% or 30%. 

Research/study findings:  This study investigated the involvement of cerebral oxygenation in limitation of maximal exercise and found hyperoxia increased power output (W max) by five percent (5%). There was also an increase in SpO2 with the high FiO2 level. Additionally, an increase in cerebral hyperoxia blood flow and total hemoglobin was found.

Oxygen Plus application/implication:  Several key benefits which relate to untrained individuals breathing Oxygen Plus include, 1) Untrained individuals have the ability to increase their endurance (as indicated by cycling max power) when supplementing with oxygen (hyperoxia); 2) There is an increase in blood-oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) from the inhalation of oxygen (hyperoxia); 3) The blood supply to the brain in a given period of time (cerebral blood flow) and total hemoglobin within the area increased, and during exercise this decreases without hyperoxia, which is a limitation to exercise ability.

Publication/source/year:  Oussaidene, K., Prieur, F., Bougault, V., Borel, B., Matran, R., & Mucci, P. (2013). Cerebral oxygenation during hyperoxia-induced increase in exercise tolerance for untrained men. European journal of applied physiology, 113(8), 2047-2056.

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