So when you’re out bathing in the sun on a run, playing a sport or at a music festival, you can get depleted. We were introduced to a product that claims get you back with a couple of inhales. The product at hand is OXYGEN PLUS, or also known as O+ and we were able to test drive samples. They said with a few deep breathes we should be able to get a boost of energy to keep the party going. They also said it also helps to recover from a late night out, so you can enjoy a few drinks without the negative effects. So, myself and Daniel Antonio our Managing Editor tested them for a week of our active lifestyle needs, like my Coachella Music Festival adventures and his consistent trail runs and we both came to different conclusions.
He used it mid way on his runs and it was just a slight boost but not what he was expecting in terms of recovery but I took it after a wild Day 1 of the festival and it was great. So after at least 3 uses we came to the realization that O+ is a good product but best for recovery within lifestyle and not sports. Now these results can vary from person to person, but we would like to endorse it for the relief of symptoms associated with lifestyle and not sport.
So party on and get this product in your life and keep it at your workspace to help recover gain a bit of boost. It contains 95% pure oxygen in travel size canisters and are available in three flavors (Natural, Peppermint, Pink Grapefruit). Now go HERE and try it for yourself! Why not, it might be just what you always needed.
-JD & DA