Each Oxygen Plus canister contains 95% enriched oxygen promoting the ability to sustain energy, decrease stress, and improve mental clarity with a highly convenient, portable delivery. Oxygen Plus offered 6 outdoor lifestyle influencers the opportunity to field-test the O+ Skinni. The field test arena would take place in the High Uintas Wilderness of Utah, which sits above 9,000ft elevation. Most of the group joining the journey into Utah, were flatlanders, and having had a handful of opportunities to try pure oxygen, I was genuinely interested in taking it along.
My entire travel plans consisted of arriving into Salt Lake City, Utah (sits at 4,000ft) from Phoenix, Arizona (sits at 1,086ft). The first evening was spent in Park City (sits at 7,000ft). The next morning once arriving to 10,000ft., to travel the wilderness holding the most contiguous above tree-line terrain than any other in the lower 48 states, we quickly grabbed our backpacks and hit the trail. Starting the trip we were hiking at 10,000ft elevation, and the route planned would keep us on that course all weekend.
It was unfortunate for me that upon the first day in the wilderness, only 4.5 hours into the weekend, my body starting showing serious signs of altitude illness rendering shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, and early setting fatigue. My symptoms were dramatic enough to change the day’s destination and shortened my route by half. Upon initial unexpected symptoms and in fear of no relief I tried the O+ Skinni I had packed. Pure Oxygen is safe, and has proven to subside many health ailments. Scientific evidence supports this, but the thing notice about the body, is you don’t necessarily realize “feeling good” in the event it’s expected, but you can easily highlight when you’ve felt horrible, because it’s entirely unexpected and causes havoc to your routine.
The experience with O+ Skinni was the same. After taking the initial suggested breaths from the O+ Skinni portable canister of oxygen while feeling the terrible effects of altitude sickness I didn’t outwardly show signs of extreme relief, and I didn’t gather super hero abilities to climb further, but what I did experience was the easing of the fearful inability to catch my breath, with a detectable combated relief allowing for a comfortable three-night stay above 10,000ft. With the difficult, unexpected early reactions my body took to the elevation that was an appreciated benefit while additionally allowing me to keep my travel plans intact. Lengthening the experience of altitude lent by the Uintas Mountains of Utah without the worry for my health meant a lot.
I used the O+ Skinni shortly after my initial testing and several times through the weekend. Each time the effectiveness was easeful and went nearly undetected while the relief was absolutely noticed and significantly assessed. I initially thought I would use the O+ for sleep relief in the Uintas Mountains, having heard it helps, but I was rather grateful to have it when altitude sickness struck, and further enjoyed the peppermint taste when I was near ready to vomit. I do plan to continue to carry it for high altitude adventures.
Note: Tester does have a background in anatomy and physiology, preserving their understanding in the value of chemical reactions of the human body. For that reason I initially agreed to test Oxygen Plus, and after having had the experience of being forced into the need of respiratory relief it has confirmed those initial beliefs.
The O+ Mini and the O+ Skinni size options are perfect for outdoor adventurers offering about 50 breaths per canister. Oxygen Plus produces the only refillable portable recreational oxygen delivery system in the world, boasting the most amount of breaths per can. Quality controlled and filled in the United States.
*Thank you to Oxygen Plus for allowing us to field test your product free of charge. We value your enthusiasm to introduce the Oxygen Plus Portable Oxygen Canister with an honest and free-spoken review.*
Mountain Matron[item-meta]