Oxygen: The New Power Fueling Motocross - Oxygen Plus

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Oxygen: The New Power Fueling Motocross

December 17, 2018 4 min read

Oxygen: The New Power Fueling Motocross

Lauren Carlstrom, O+ Team Member | 

If you don’t know a lot about motocross, the teaser motocross athletes are amongst the most physically fit in the world may throttle your interest. Another fun fact I learned about this competitive, physically-demanding sport is that the word “motocross” comes from the French word for motorcycle (“motocyclette”) and cross-country (T., Andrew). Et, viola!

While I’m obviously not one of the die-hard fans, my interest in motocross first piqued when we learned our rider customers were breathing Oxygen Plus (O+) pure recreational oxygen to help energize and recover.

And it makes sense. Oxygen levels decrease under vigorous physical exertion, such as in sports like motocross. A simple, functional way to restore depleted oxygen levels to optimal levels is to increase O2 delivery through external means: Like a shot of pure oxygen. Brinkmann, Bloch and Brixius (2018) and Sperlich,  Zinner,  Hauser,  Holmberg and Wegrzyk (2017) found that the physiological benefits of oxygen are most profound in short-term high-intensity exercise. Professional motocross races have longer durations (30+ minutes), whereas amateur races are shorter (5 minutes or less) (Fabiola). The latter are shorter mainly because young athletes haven’t developed the required stamina.

So of course it was the younger motocross athletes – who are serious about improving athletic performance – who first caught wind of how supplementing with sports oxygen, like Oxygen Plus (O+), can help enhance their ride!

Motocross circuit racer, Connor Wiltse, at West Texas MX in Tyler, Texas

Benefits of Breathing Oxygen for Motocross Athletes

#1) O+ Provides Enhanced Performance, Recovery and Endurance

Well known to be an aid in sports, pure recreational oxygen from Oxygen Plus – if properly breathed before, during and immediately after exercise – helps athletes in three main ways: 1) improved physical performance (Sperlich et al., 2011), 2) faster recovery in-between exercise (Oussaidene et al., 2013) and endurance, so an athlete can train longer (White et al 2013). While the amount of oxygen required depends on your fitness level, age and other conditions, many motocross athletes take a few hits of O+ oxygen before and while they ride for energy – and take several more breaths after they ride to speed up recovery.

Some physiological reasons inhaling a boost of pure recreational oxygen helps with performance, recovery and endurance include a reduction in blood lactate concentration (Stellingwerff et al., 2005; Stellingwerff et al., 2006) and restoration in O2 saturation (SpO2) (White et al 2013).

#2) O+ Is All Natural, Side-Effect Free Source of Energy – for Your Body, and Brain!

All natural and 100% pure with zero side effects, Oxygen Plus is quickly becoming the choice energy supplement and recovery tool for many moderate and high intensity sports. In sports that also require intense mental clarity, like motocross, a boost of oxygen is a proven method for increasing mental focus and vigilance (Moss et. al., 1998) and significantly enhancing cognitive functions – like memory and reaction time (Scholey et. al., 1999).

Texas-based amateur motocross racer, Connor Wiltse

Connor Wiltse, an amateur circuit motocross racer who has placed in more than 100 races (placing 1st in more than 30), uses Oxygen Plus as a supplement during training and competition. He takes an O+ oxygen boost every time he rides. “This is the best product to keep your energy and mental clarity where it needs to be,” says Wiltse. “My teammates and I have found that Oxygen Plus gives us an advantage in the sport of motocross. We don’t like energy drinks because it’s false energy. Our exhausted muscles need oxygen to function optimally so we can finish the race as strong as we started.”

#3) O+ Goes Where You Go

If an effective, pure energy supplement isn’t enough to get your engines started, Oxygen Plus is conveniently portable and easy-to-use. It’s also available in a variety of canister sizes, so you can slip your O+ oxygen can in your pack or stash a few next to your bottled water.

With this sleek, power-punch new energy and recovery tool in tote, Oxygen Plus can help all motocross athletes ride like a pro. If your riding time is sacred, and you don't want to waste it by getting too tired too fast, try breathing Oxygen Plus oxygen bottles next time you’re flying your “motocyclette” cross-country.


Fabiola, Groshan. Things to Know About Motorcross. https://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/38643/recreation_and_sports/things_to_know_about_motocross.html. Retrieved December 15, 2018.

T., Andrew. The History of Motocross – American Style. https://www.motosport.com/blog/the-history-of-motocross-american-style. Retrieved December 15, 2018.

Brinkmann, C., Bloch, W., & Brixius, K. (2018). Exercise during short‐term exposure to hypoxia or hyperoxia‐novel treatment strategies for type 2 diabetic patients?!. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28(2), 549-564.

Sperlich, B., Zinner, C., Hauser, A., Holmberg, H. C., & Wegrzyk, J. (2017). The impact of hyperoxia on human performance and recovery. Sports Medicine, 47(3), 429-438.

Sperlich, B., Zinner, C., Krueger, M., Wegrzyk, J., Mester, J., & Holmberg, H. C. (2011). Ergogenic effect of hyperoxic recovery in elite swimmers performing high‐intensity intervals. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(6), 421-429.

Oussaidene, K., Prieur, F., Bougault, V., Borel, B., Matran, R., & Mucci, P. (2013). Cerebral oxygenation during hyperoxia-induced increase in exercise tolerance for untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(8), 2047-2056.

White, J., Dawson, B., Landers, G., Croft, K., & Peeling, P. (2013). Effect of supplemental oxygen on post-exercise inflammatory response and oxidative stress. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(4), 1059-1067.

Stellingwerff, T., Glazier, L., Watt, M. J., LeBlanc, P. J., Heigenhauser, G. J., & Spriet, L. L. (2005). Effects of hyperoxia on skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism during transient and steady-state exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 98(1), 250-256.

Stellingwerff, T., LeBlanc, P. J., Hollidge, M. G., Heigenhauser, G. J., & Spriet, L. L. (2006). Hyperoxia decreases muscle glycogenolysis, lactate production, and lactate efflux during steady-state exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290(6), E1180-E1190.

Moss, MC, Scholey, AB, Wesnes, K, “Oxygen administration selectively enhances cognitive performance in healthy young adults: A placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study,” Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1998 Dec;138:27-33.

Scholey AB, Moss MC, Neave N, Wesnes K, “Cognitive Performance, Hyperoxia, and Heart Rate Following Oxygen Administration in Healthy Young Adults,” Physiology & Behavior, 1999 Nov;67(5):783-9.

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