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Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help mitigate exposure to polluted air and poor air quality at work, home or on the road.
Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help revive from jet lag and to stay alert while driving. *Canned oxygen can fly on private planes.
Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help enhance cognitive abilities, such as mental clarity, focus and alertness.
Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help adjust to higher altitude, so you think, feel and perform like you're at sea level.
Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help improve performance, increase endurance and speed up recovery for sports.
Breathe O⁺ oxygen to help reduce the effects of drinking alcohol and to clear the morning fog after a late night out.
December 29, 2016 1 min read
Two-Time SPF World Champion Bench Presser Joey Smith talks about how he keeps himself powerful and explosive during training and competition using Oxygen Plus (formerly Oxygen Factor). He also explains why every power lifter should be using it if they want to maximize their training results.
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